Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wall to enter NBA Draft?

Recent reports from the Word Wide Leader in sports, ESPN, have stated that John Wall is possibly eligible to enter the NBA draft since, according to them, he will turn 19 this calender year and is a fifth year senior, instead of forth year.

Well, we're here to debunk this. Wall is not eligible to enter the NBA Draft and Wall won't enter the NBA Draft this year. After CollegeCarousel spoke with a few sources, we learned that if Wall were eligible, the NBA Players Association would not allow it based on not being a year removed from his high school graduation date.

Like we have reported all along, Wall will play ball at the college level.


  1. There's a technicality, graduating class is dictated by when you start HS. He is in his 5th year of HS, original class is one year removed. If I recall correctly, the wording isnt his graduation, but his class.

  2. I'm afraid you are not recalling correctly. The wording is, in fact, his graduation, not his original class. Here's the relevant language of the NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement:

    "at least one (1) NBA Season has elapsed since the player’s graduation from high school (or, if the player did not graduate from high school, since the graduation of the class with which the player would have graduated had he graduated from high school)"

    This provision addresses two groups: those who graduated and those who "did not." In other words, those no longer in high school. Any player still in high school, including any senior who graduates this year, is ineligible for this year's NBA draft. That was the whole point of the agreement.

    Anyone in Wall's original class who graduated last year would be eligible now. But that isn't Wall. He's still in school. He will graduate in just a few weeks. And when he does, his diploma will read 2009. He must therefore wait until next year's draft.

    Even if Wall dropped out tomorrow, making him a player who "did not" graduate, he still would have graduated this year, not last year, obviously.

    Had Wall dropped out after three years of high school, then yes, he would have graduated last year with his original class. But he transferred and was reclassified as a junior. That's when he officially left the class of 2008 and became the class of 2009.

    So no, there's no technicality. Only uninformed gossip. ~Attorney, Washington, DC
